About 28 Yrs Ago Jason had came out to his Family and Friends that he was Gay he had some struggles with Ex Tommy, in the past Tommy and i discover how we feel for each other and then we became more Attracted to each other back then also i told my mom and dad and my sisters too that i never find anyone in my life my dad was looking for online dating sites then my dad came across this site Called special bridge and i started looking on there to find a perfect person for me. And i came across on special bridge this guy's profile his name is Alex Gregory Lupole we have been friends since July 2018 Alex and his Mom and Dad came down to Pennsylvania to meet me and my dad for the first time on September 30th 2018 we became boyfriends shortly after in 2021 Alex Proposed to me 3 times in a row and who's counting ever since we got engaged in August 2021 and now Alex and I are planning our wedding